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To Tame A Highland Warrior - Karen Marie Moning My favorite sentient, "homicidal, psychopathic, starved, and power-hungry" book is back! :)

Actually, when I first started reading I didn't know this novel was going to deliver the (partial) finale of the series; it became clear as I progressed and the thought alone put me in a cheerful mood, because the series was still spiraling downhill and I didn’t think it was ever going to regain its luster. In addition, I loved the improving narrative and the many quotable paragraphs of this installment, which is my favorite of the post-Shadowfever Arc.
I particularly enjoyed the middle part and on the whole, this novel was a nice read (thus my rating of 3.5 stars rounded up to 4, even taking into consideration the frustration at what follows).

So, a conclusion! A satisfying denouement! The nature of the Nine finally revealed!


I don’t have any issues with the ending itself, it was high-time, I just feel the tale rushed to the finish line and some confusion ensued (ceiling, I'm looking at you), but mine is a minor gripe.
As things stand, the author wrapped-up some plot threads with a bow; others she resolved with the time-honored plot device of the guillotine and some she left hanging in the air.

SO, this is not truly “the end end”. Moning signed to do two more books set in the Fever World.

Well, I’m sure she can write an impressive follow-up to Dani’s story, possibly reveal the nature of the Nine, too (a girl can dream), there’s room for development but no matter the direction, I truly hope she’ll take her time finding some interesting ideas and planning the duology.

I understand something now: that which we fear, we somehow beckon near and engage in a dance, as toxically intimate as a pair of suspicious lovers.

Perhaps it’s because deep down we want to face it. Perhaps it’s just the way the universe works; we’re magnetized waltzers and our hopes and fears emit some kind of electrical impulses that attract all that we dream, and all that we dread.

We live and die on a dance floor of our own making.